The purpose of this page is to outline how images are named on this wiki. This is done to ensure that it is easy for contributors to reference them in the future and to minimize website load times.
With the exception of Character Portraits, all images should be in jpg format. A jpg is of a smaller size and will load faster for all users!
Light Novel Cover (with text)[]
- Japanese - “LN P#V#-CoverJPN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CoverJPN.jpg”
- English - “LN P#V#-CoverEN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CoverEN.jpg”
Light Novel Colour Inserts (no text)[]
- Insert Page - “LN P#V#-Insert.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-Insert.jpg”
- Cover Page - “LN P#V#-Cover.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CoverArt.jpg”
- Light Novel Illustrations - “LN P#V#-#.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-7.jpg”
Light Novel Bonus Manga[]
- Japanese - “LN P#V#-M#JPN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-M1JPN.jpg”
- English - “LN P#V#-M#EN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-M1EN.jpg”
Light Novel Character List[]
- “LN P#V#-CL#.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CL1.jpg”
Light Novel Map[]
- “LN P#V#-NameMap.jpg” - e.g. “LN P1V1-EhrenfestMap.jpg”
Light Novel Character Polls[]
- Japanese - “Source P#V#-CP#JPN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CP1JPN.jpg”
- English - “Source P#V#-CP#EN.jpg” - e.g. “LN P3V1-CP1EN.jpg”
Junior Bunko[]
- Same as Light Novel, but use “JB” instead of “LN”
Character Profile Picture[]
- “CharacterName.jpg” - e.g. ”Myne.jpg”
- Multiple: “CharacterName-Modifier.jpg” - e.g. “Myne-LN.jpg” or “Myne-Anime.jpg”
Character Thumbnail Portrait[]
- “CharacterNamePortrait.png” - e.g. “MynePortrait.png”
- “Anime EP#-Subject-TimeStamp.jpg” - e.g. “Anime EP2-Myne-1:30.jpg”
Subject is some type of description of the scene (could be characters, or objects like paper)
Drama CD[]
Manga (Back) Cover[]
- Japanese - “Manga P#V#-(Back)CoverJPN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P3V1-CoverJPN.jpg”
- English - “Manga P#V#-(Back)CoverEN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P3V1-CoverEN.jpg”
Manga Cover Art[]
- Japanese - “Manga P#V#-CoverArtJPN.jpg” - e.g. Manga P4V2CoverArtJPN.jpg
- English - “Manga P#V#-CoverArtEN.jpg” - e.g. Manga P4V2CoverArtEN.jpg
Manga Chapter[]
- Japanese - “Manga P#V#-#JPN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P1V1-1JPN.jpg”
- English - “Manga P#V#-#EN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P1V1-1EN.jpg”
- Double Chapter Images - e.e “Manga “P1V1-1.1JPN.jpg”
Manga Volume Extra Chapter[]
- Japanese - e.g. “Manga P1V1-EJPN.jpg”
- English - e.g. “Manga P1V1-EEN.jpg”
Manga Map[]
- Japanese - “Manga P#V#-NameMapJPN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P1V1-EhrenfestMapJPN.jpg”
- English - “Manga P#V#-NameMapEN.jpg” - e.g. “Manga P1V1-EhrenfestMapEN.jpg”
Manga Front Insert[]
- Japanese - e.g. “Manga P1V7-FrontInsert1JPN.jpg”
- English - e.g. “Manga P1V7-FrontInsert1EN.jpg”
Manga Middle Insert[]
- Japanese - e.g. “Manga P1V7-MiddleInsert1JPN.jpg”
- English - e.g. “Manga P1V7-MiddleInsert1EN.jpg”
Manga Back Insert[]
- Japanese - e.g. “Manga P1V7-BackInsert1JPN.jpg”
- English - e.g. “Manga P1V7-BackInsert1EN.jpg”
Manga Purchase Bonus[]
- Japanese - e.g. “Manga P4V2-PurchaseBonusJPN.jpg”
Fanbook Cover[]
- Japanese - e.g. “FB2-CoverJPN.jpg”
- English - e.g. “FB2-CoverEN.jpg”