Ascendance of a Bookworm Wiki
Ascendance of a Bookworm Wiki
Ascendance of a Bookworm Wiki
This Article is based on the Official Translations of the Light Novel series!
The Light Novel series is the source material for the adaptation of the Anime and Manga series. The information and terminology on the article will be based on the source material rather than the adaptions.

Manablades are a form of magic tool used as a weapon.

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A manablade is a weapon that is sustained and grown by feeding it mana. This can be done by feeding it feystones of defeated feybeasts and feyplants as well as giving it ones own mana or the mana of others.[1]
Nobles providing mana for someone else's mana blade is something that rarely ever happens. While procuring mana from someone else can have great benefits for the blade beyond merely growing it, mana is valued very highly and thus not given unless considerable compensation is provided. Furthermore, there are many risks involved in letting others pour mana into your mana blade.

The potential benefits are growing the blade,[1] gaining additional affinities, and gaining enchantments. A skilled mana wielder can pick specific ones among their own elemental affinities to pass onto the blade, or invoke specific enchantments.[2]

The risks are that if the provider were to pour more mana into the blade than the owner has put into it, it will overwrite ownership to the provider.[1] Furthermore, in case of inexperienced mana users or a lack of concentration, the blade might be enchanted with random effects related to what the person was thinking about while pouring the mana.[2]

Unlike the swords that most nobles use via transforming their schtappe into a blade, manablades are an actual physical object. Their physical core is made to about the length of a short sword or dagger. It will retain this length while sheathed thoughout its existence. Only upon being drawn does the blade elongate to the full length the owner has grown it to.[2]

The first mention of a manablade is when the fighting style of Angelica is mentioned who focusses in physical enhancement and as such uses a manablade since her techniques complement the manablade quite well.[1]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ascendance of a Bookworm. Part 3 Volume 3. Chapter 12: Angelica and the Coming of Spring
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ascendance of a Bookworm. Part 3 Volume 4. Chapter 6: Angelica's Manablade

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Light Novel
Part 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3
Part 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Part 3 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5
Part 4 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9
Part 5 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9 Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Light Novel Galleries
Part 1 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3
Part 2 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Part 3 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5
Part 4 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9
Part 5 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9 Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Junior Bunko
Part 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Short Story Collection 1
Part 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8
Junior Bunko Galleries
Part 1 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Short Story Collection 1
Part 2 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8
Fanbook 1Fanbook 2Fanbook 3Fanbook 4Fanbook 5Fanbook 6Fanbook 7Fanbook 8
Fanbooks Galleries
Fanbook 1Fanbook 2Fanbook 3Fanbook 4Fanbook 5Fanbook 6Fanbook 7Fanbook 8
Short Story Collections
Royal Academy Stories - First YearShort Story Collection 1Short Story Collection 2
Short Story Collections Galleries
Royal Academy Stories - First YearShort Story Collection 1Short Story Collection 2
Part 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Part 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10
Part 3 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Part 4 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Manga Galleries
Part 1 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Part 2 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10
Part 3 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Part 4 Galleries Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Comic Anthology
Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7
Season 1 Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 14.1Episode 14.2
Season 2 Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20Episode 21Episode 22Episode 23Episode 24Episode 25Episode 26
Season 3 Episode 26.1Episode 26.2Episode 27Episode 28Episode 29Episode 30Episode 31Episode 32Episode 33Episode 34Episode 35Episode 36
Anime Galleries
Season 1 Galleries Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 14.1Episode 14.2
Season 2 Galleries Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20Episode 21Episode 22Episode 23Episode 24Episode 25Episode 26
Season 3 Galleries Episode 26.1Episode 26.2Episode 27Episode 28Episode 29Episode 30Episode 32Episode 33Episode 34Episode 35Episode 36
Drama CD
Drama CD 1Drama CD 2Drama CD 3Drama CD 4Drama CD 5Drama CD 6Drama CD 7Drama CD 8Drama CD 9Drama CD 10
A AchimAdelbertAdolphineAdrettAlexisAlstedeAnastasiusAngelicaAnnikaArnoArthurAub FrenbeltagAub KlassenbergAurelia
B Baron BlonBaron GlazBartholdBartzBennoBernadetBertildeBettinaBezewanstBierceBlasiusBonifatiusBrigitteBrunhilde
C CaryaCassandraCatherineCharlotteChristelChristineClarissaClaudioClementiaConstanzeCordulaCorinnaCorneliusCosimoCount BindewaldCount GroschelCount Leisegang
D DamianDamuelDankmarDaniloDeidDeliaDetlindeDillaDimoDirkDirmira
E EbbEckhartEdilineEffaEglantineEgmontEgonEllaElviraEmerikaErnestaErwaermenEwigeliebe
F FairziereFatieheFerdinandFeyFlorenciaFlutraneFranFraularmFreidaFreudenFriedelFrietackFritz
G GabrieleGeduldhGentianeGeorgineGerdaGiebe KirnbergerGieselfriedGilGiordanoGloriaGod of DarknessGoddess of LightGrausamGretiaGudrunGundolfGuntherGustavGutenberg
H HanneloreHartmutHasse's MayorHassheitHeidemarieHeidiHeisshitzeHelfriedHenrikHildebrandHirschurHoraceHortensiaHugo
I IgnazImmanuelIngoIrmhildeIsidore
J JenniJeremiasJohannJonsaraJorgJosefJuditheJulianeJustusJutte
K KaiKamilKampferKantnaKarlaKarstedtKashickKathreinKenntripsKonradKrapech
L LagreteLamprechtLasfamLaugoLauraLaurenzLeberechtLeckleLeidenschaftLeiseLeonLeonoreLeonzioLessyLestilautLetiziaLieseletaLilyLinhardtLinusLisbethLizLizzieLueuradiLustlauneLutzLuzinde
M MagdalenaMargaretMarianneMarkMartheMartinaMatildaMatthiasMelchiorMestionoraMildaMonikaMoritzMurrenreueMuriellaMyne
N NadineNahelacheNatalieNicolaNikolausNolteNoraNorbert
O OderkunstOrtwinOswaldOswinOttilieOtto
P PaulinePhilinePrevious Count LeisegangPrimevere
R RaimundRalphRalfriedaRarstarkRaublutRauffenRelichionRenateRiadinaRichtRickRihyardaRitaRoderickRosinaRoyellaRozemaryRozemyneRudigerRudolf
S SchutzariaSchwartzSeadSelimSergiusShikikozaShuuSidoniusSiegSigiswaldSiegrechtSolangeStenlukeStephareineStrahlSylvester
T TheoTheodoreThoreToddTrauerqualTraugottTrudeliedeTuuli
U Urano MotosuUrano Motosu’s Mother
V ValamarleneVanessaVeronicaViktorViscount DahldolfViscount JoisontakVolk
W WaldifriedWeissWerdekrafWilfriedWilmaWolf
Z ZackZahmZasha
Character Galleries
AdelbertAdolphineAlexisAlstedeAnastasiusAngelicaAnselmArnoArthurAureliaBennoBertildeBertramBezewanstBierceBlasiusBonifatiusBrigitteBrunhildeCharlotteChristineClarissaClaudioConstanzeCordulaCorinnaCorneliusCount BindewaldDamuelDeidDeliaDetlindeDirkEckhartEffaEglantineEgmontEliasEllaElviraErwaermenEwigeliebeErwaermenFerdinandFeyFlorenciaFlutraneFranFraularmFreidaFritzGabrieleGeduldhGeorgineGerdaGiebe KirnbergerGieselfriedGilGloriaGod of DarknessGoddess of LightGrausamGregorGretiaGundolfGuntherGustavHanneloreHartmutHasse's MayorHeidiHeisshitzeHildebrandHirschurHortensiaHugoIgnazImmanuelIngoIsidoreJenniJohannJosefJuditheJustusJutteKaiKamilKarlaKarstedtKatinkaKonradKonradinLamprechtLasfamLaurenzLeberechtLeidenschaftLeiseLeonLeonoreLeonzioLessyLestilautLetiziaLieseletaLilyLizLueuradiLutzMagdalenaMarkMartheMartinaMatthiasMelchiorMestionoraMonikaMoritzMuriellaMyneNicolaNikolausNoraNorbertOrtwinOswaldOttilieOttoPaulinePhilinePrimevereRaimundRalphRaublutRauffenRenateRickRihyardaRoderickRosinaRozemyneSchutzariaSchwartz and WeissSeltierShikikozaSiegSieglindeSigiswaldSolangeStenlukeSylvesterTheodoreThoreTrauerqualTraugottTuuliUrano MotosuUrano Motosu's MotherVeronicaWerdekrafWilfriedWilmaWolfZackZahmZasha